Monday, May 20, 2013

Four legged people

I touch my appA's injured leg gently and say "thaal" (meaning kaal- leg). It's a magic touch that makes my appA smile immediately everytime.  Right now appA has four legs.  Two of which pAdukA and I borrow  to play "pAtti pAtti" (grandma-grandma) when appA rests. Just when appA was hopping down the stairs to go to work with 3 legs and one injured leg, I blurted out " paatu po"  (go carefully) joining ammA's daily routine. I surprised both ammA and appA. While I see cats and dogs comfortably jumping, running and walking with four legs, appA seems to be so careful and cautious with four legs! Just when I adjusted to appA being four legged, ammA decided to add more to the confusion. She also has four legs now and is struggling to handle them!

I think when we become big boys/girls we add two more legs. Right now pAdukA and I are small and we have only 2 legs. I totally love my little fast legs which can give my parents a tough time :)

As far as walking is concerned pAdukA and I are far ahead in the development curve and ready to teach appA and ammA how to walk with just two legs again!

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