Monday, February 10, 2014

Competitive spirit

Being first is important.. very important. What does it mean to be first? Well, it meant nothing much a couple of months back. Paaduka used to be and still is very particular to add the word "first" to every activity she did. So, I assumed that it should be important. Once...

Paaduka - nAn first kulikkanam ammA ( I have to take bath first)

ammA gave me a bath before Paaduka. So, Paaduka was very upset. I felt really sad for her. So I consoled her.

madhurA - Paaduka naan first thulichen ( I took bath first) ippo nee first thuli (now you take bath first)

Now I know about doing things first much better. I need to compete to be first - the lesson Paaduka has taught me. Our parents knew that our competition has reached a new high after they over heard this :-

Paaduka - enna kosu kadichirukku (a mosquito had bitten me)
madhurA - enna thosu thachidhu (a mosquito has bitten me)
Paaduka - enna copy pannadhey (don't copy me)
madhurA - smiles
madhurA - thosu enna first thachidhu (mosquito bit me first)
Paaduka - ilai enna dhan first kadichidu (no it bit me first)
and so the fight went on for the next five minutes before we were both distracted by something else.

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