Sunday, September 7, 2014

Is it not obvious?

Finally I was given the cute and cuddly elephant bag which I can take to school now. I am in love with the bag but my parents are more protective of the bag than I am !

While I was playing rough with the elephant bag, ammA could not stand the bag being dragged and handled badly. She told me twice that I was going to tear the bag. Since this did not have an impact she decided to change strategy.

ammA - madhurA, nee adikara yaanai-a (madhurA you are hurting the elephant)
madhurA just smiles back
ammA - yaanai azha pordhu ipo (The elephant is going to cry now) yen adikara nnu ketkapordhu (It is going to ask why you are hitting)
I continue to play rough as it did not make sense to me! But ammA continues to ramble trying to attribute emotions to the elephant. After a while I had to put a stop to this and show her that I am not a little baby to buy this argument.

madhurA (a little angry)- ammA, indha yaanai pesumA, sApdumA, azhumA? idhu pAppa vA? idhu bommai. (Does this elephant talk, eat or cry? Is this a baby? It is just a doll.)

ammA - ok !?!

appA, ammA I am becoming a big girl. Get ready for more of such retorts. Here is my favorite :)

While eating some spicy murukku...

appA - madhurA porum. innum sApdAdha (madhurA, enough. Don't eat anymore)
madhurA (sighs) - pidichirukku (I like it)
appA - stop eating madhurA. ingarundhu po. (go away from here)
I look around and see that ammA and appA are devouring the yummy murukku. I see that there is no hope of something left for me :( I ran into the toy room with the packet of murukku.

ammA - murukku enga madhurA? (where is the murukku?)
madhurA - yen kitta irukku ( It is with me)
ammA - yen edutha? (Why did you take it?)
madhurA - safe-a vechukarthukku (I have to keep it safe)
ammA and appA - !!!!

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