Sunday, September 7, 2014

My school log

Now that I have settled well  and enjoying at school, I am publishing my experience of the first few days at school. I have to clear the air since my parents have their own version of my initial days at school.

Day 1 - After being brain washed about what fun school is, I am eagerly waiting for my first day at school. And yes, I keep checking with ammA if she is also going to school with me. After sending Paaduka off to school, ammA and I get ready for our first day of Montessori :) All new kids enter the room with their moms. I decide not to say a word to my teacher and hide behind ammA. The teacher asks me to remove my shoes, keep it in the shoe rack, take a mat and sit on the circle. I am now confused now. Does school mean more authoritative adults? Shock #1.... I manage to get through the half hour of school sitting on ammA's lap and tensely looking around while the teachers sang and allowed us to play. Oh wait.. I visited the bathroom too. School inspection is complete now.

Day 2 - To school with ammA :) I smile at my teacher and follow her instructions. But I ensure that ammA stays close to me. Half hour is too less to explore the toys in the shelf. I got a candy and a star drawn on the my hand. Exciting! I made sure that Paaduka knows that even I get star in my school :) 

Day 3 - I remember the way to me class from the gate :) yay! I make sure ammA is in the class but I am much more comfortable with my teachers. I ask for the a sheet of paper to colour and help to go to the bathroom. School is short and sweet just the way I like. I can also go to the park and say I am a big girl since I am going to a school now :)

Day 4, 5, 6 - Now I have to stay longer at school. One hour ammA says and of course ammA also attends one hour of Montessori these days. Now I am attempting to answer the roll call but no one hears me :( More time to sing and play. At times I am feeling that ammA is hovering around an little too much. ammA, please remember that I am a big school going girl!

Day 7 - Well, I am truly at ease now. I follow the routine without being instructed. ammA pulls a mat to sit beside me.  Shock #2 "ammA, nee velila wait pannu" (wait for me outside ammA). ammA was taken aback and was a little embarrassed when teacher asked her what I told her. My teachers were delighted and asked ammA to stay out side the class. I coloured a picture and wanted to show it to ammA to cheer her. So, I walked out to show but she was too eager to come back along with me. "nee angaye iru, classkku varadhey" (stay outside and do not come into the class).  

Day 8 - Well.... Things are truly going to be different from today. Parents were not allowed beyond the school gate! Gulp gulp..something was blocking my throat. Shock #3. My teachers held my hand and took me inside the school. ammA is nowhere to be seen. I was sad, really sad and made it known to everyone inside the compound by crying on top of my voice. My teacher carried me and I spent the entire time at school on her lap.

Day 9 onwards -  Tears starting welling up even before the gate opened. After initial crying bout, I settled down. I am getting better staying away from ammA (sob.. sob.. sob..)

After about 5 days of vacation to Chennai we came back to school and now I have to go to school in a van just like Paaduka. Shock #4. I protested initially bu running away from the van and made ammA drop me off. But now I have my friend who comes with me from our apartment, so it is a fun ride. 

And thus Madhura Shri Rangarajan goes to school like a good girl :)

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