Friday, December 12, 2014

What an amateur!

I might be the little sister but my elder sis has a long way to go in growing up. Want to know why?

Once, one of our toys was stuck somewhere in the bed railings and we called for help. ammA came and squeezed and pushed it through. It fell right under the cot. She looked under the cot and not only did she get the toy out but about 4-5 candy wrappers too! OMG! I totally forgot about them! Now an attack is going to be launched and I was bracing for it. But my elder sis had to blurt out that she did not eat the candies even before we were questioned. What an amateur mistake! Good for me though :) Probing started and my sis blamed me and swore her innocence. I said very little and with a sweet innocent face denied eating the candies. The investigation was over for the day and we survived it. yay!

The next day, it looked like everything was forgotten and forgiven. But in the afternoon, ammA heard some rustling noise and it came from behind the sofa. She went there without making noise and saw my elder sis opening a candy and stuffing it into her mouth. Caught! Now you just can't escape, dear sis. ammA was now pretty sure that my sis was guilty of eating the candies and hiding the wrappers under the cot. The case was strong against her now. No amount of pleading helped her.

Then she pulled me into this and asked to me tell the truth about the candy wrappers. Hmm... Oh my! What did she do now? But she was deep in trouble and does not know her way out. So, I told ammA that I ate the candies before . Cold stare and a lecture followed.

My sis interjects in between and says ¨ nAn appadi munnAdi pannala. First time try pannen. AnA mAttinden :( ¨ (I have never done this before but tried eating the candy hiding in a place but am caught :(

Ufff.. what an amateur!

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