Thursday, January 31, 2013

hum hmm hmm hmm

I love to hum a tune when I am engrossed (playing or being mischievous) I have composed quite a few songs with two syllables with captivating tunes. While you await my album here is the sneak peak into an enchanting tune.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Guess whom I had lunch with?

Very often appA comes back home and asks "Guess whom I had lunch with today?". He shares stories of the people he meets for lunch ( surprisingly all of them are grown up! ). I try to make it interesting for ammA everyday with new challenges but it does not make a great story for her to share.

On Dec 20th, ammA sat down with her food and mine hoping she can feed me while eating. It was pasta! - My favorite :) I grabbed my fork and bowl; sat beside ammA and started eating by myself. ammA was surprised and was looking at me and not eating. It dawned upon her that she is not eating alone but having lunch with a little person. Next half hour was so much fun. So who had the best story of the day? :) ammA could not contain her excitement for appA to come from work. She had to call after lunch to ask him "Guess whom I had lunch with?"