I have seen Paaduka read book aloud and I figured that I could also do the same. Here is the dummies guide to reading a book. It works well if you are under 2 years of age though.
1. Find a good place to keep your book
2. Make sure everyone is watching you
3. Open the book and scan for pictures.
4. Make sure you know to say or (almost say) one or two things shown in the picture in the book
5. Flip the page one by one and say one word clearly and the rest is just some noise you can make
The most important thing to do is to look sincere while reading and enjoy it as much as you can. You can
go over the same book twice or thrice at increasing speed to show how much you like reading.
Here is a video guide -
(notes - I am using only two words all through the video - appu (means apple) and bae (means bear))
I touch my appA's injured leg gently and say "thaal" (meaning kaal- leg). It's a magic touch that makes my appA smile immediately everytime. Right now appA has four legs. Two of which pAdukA and I borrow to play "pAtti pAtti" (grandma-grandma) when appA rests. Just when appA was hopping down the stairs to go to work with 3 legs and one injured leg, I blurted out " paatu po" (go carefully) joining ammA's daily routine. I surprised both ammA and appA. While I see cats and dogs comfortably jumping, running and walking with four legs, appA seems to be so careful and cautious with four legs! Just when I adjusted to appA being four legged, ammA decided to add more to the confusion. She also has four legs now and is struggling to handle them!
I think when we become big boys/girls we add two more legs. Right now pAdukA and I are small and we have only 2 legs. I totally love my little fast legs which can give my parents a tough time :)
As far as walking is concerned pAdukA and I are far ahead in the development curve and ready to teach appA and ammA how to walk with just two legs again!